As part of the academic mobility program, from 05/20/2024 to 05/31/2024, 5th-year students of the specialty “Pharmacy” of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy undergo practical training at the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

During the internship, according to the roadmap, under the guidance of the head of the department, Professor G.Ustenova and associate professor of the department, G.Yeleken, students on the first day were familiarized with the purpose, tasks and schedule of practice, the order of keeping a diary, and safety precautions.

Students visited the practice bases — 05/22/2024 Kelun-Kazpharm LLP, 05/23/2024 Abdi Ibrahim Global Pharm LLP. At the practice bases, students got acquainted with the workshops for the production of dosage forms, equipment and the work of technologists and operators of the production department. Along with this, they visited the Museum of History and the Anatomical Museum of the University, the Simulation Center for Pharmacy, the Laboratory of Parapharmaceutical Products, the Scientific and Practical Control and Analytical Laboratory of Chemistry and Pharmacognosy and the vivarium of the B. Atchabarov Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Medicine and listened to lectures by professors of the department G.Ustenova, E.Kapsalyamova.

The duration of the internship is 2 credits, the total amount of hours is 60.

The purpose of the practice is to consolidate knowledge on pharmaceutical technology: the acquisition of skills in the production, storage and transportation of medicines.

The tasks of the practice:

  • familiarization of students with the activities of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology;
  • familiarization with the equipment of laboratories and simulation center;
  • students acquire skills in the manufacture of medicines.