In the period from 2011 to 2019, More than 65 foreign specialists, scientists from 16 countries of the USA, Europe, Southeast Asia and the CIS visited the school of Pharmacy with lectures. 6 foreign scientists from CIS countries worked in the staff of the departments of the faculty.
Professor G.O Ustenova completed a scientific internship under the “Bolashak” program at the Medical University, Gdansk (Poland) for 1 month (March 2013), also participated in the annual conference of the European Association of pharmaceutical faculties EAFP 2019 “Annual Conference, Creative education: Towards competencies in patient-oriented pharmacy education” at Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland.
Professor Kizatova M. Zh. passed scientific training in the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation FGBOU “Kuban state agrarian University”.
Associate Professor of the Department of pharmaceutical technology Kapsalyamova E. N. participated in the conference “VIII annual international partering forum” in St. Petersburg state chemical and pharmaceutical University of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation (November, 2019).
- Faculty of Pharmacy of Comenius University in Bratislava, Bratislava, S. (Slavin)
- Medical University of Gdansk (Poland)
- National pharmaceutical University Kharkiv (Ukraine)
- The Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute, Tashkent (UZBEKISTAN)
- Saint-Petersburg state chemical-pharmaceutical University (SPHFA), the city of Saint -Petersburg (Russia)
- Lithuanian University of health Sciences, Kaunas (Lithuania)
- University of Mississippi, Oxford, USA
- Siberian state medical University, Tomsk (Russia) and Astana Medical University (Kazakhstan)
- STD LTD, Ukraine
- VIALEC Moscow
- TrinityCollegeDublin, Ireland (61 rated QS)
- Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Medical University, Lublin, Poland
- Charles University, Charles, Czech Republic
- School of pharmacy Institute of technology Bandung, Indonesia
- Higher school of Informatics and management in Rzeszow (Rzeszow, Poland)
- Institute of traditional medicine and technologies of Mongolia (Mongolia, Ulan Bator)
- Homeopot LLC (USA, new York)