Announcement of a lecture by a professor at Mississippi State University

Dear teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates and students!

We invite you to a public lecture by Professor of the Mississippi State Research University, Oxford, USA, Mr. Samir Anis Ross (H-index, 43) as a visiting professor of the KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.

Date of the public lecture: 06/07/2024, beginning at 10.00.

Venue: Educational building No.4, Conference hall ” Phytotheque”

The topic of the open lecture: “Scientific collaborations with leaders in Kazakhstan which resulted in 16 PhD degrees”.

For information*, please contact the responsible staff for organizing.

*Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology – Elmira Nikolaevna Kapsalyamova, tel. +7 778 313 1111, Email. Mail: [email protected]

*Assistant of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology – Sarybaev Bakhtiyar Alibekovich tel.: + 7 775 442 48 72, email. Mail: [email protected]