The course of pharmacognosy was first organized in 1953. The first head of Department was a pharmacist Belikov – Stomic P. I. In 1954, was PhD, associate Professor Chudinov V. V., who has worked in this position for 19 years. He prepared one candidate of Pharm.n, associate Professor Bosko Z. I. On this, the Department worked skilled professionals, PhD , associate Professor Pisarev A. A. During this time, through the postgraduate courses defended PhD thesis 3: Dobrokhotova, K. V., Muchamedgaliev A. G., Murzagaliev M. U. assistant Professor Pisarev A. A., together with the Dobrokhotova, K. V. released book “Medicinal plants around us” (1980) and published more than 50 scientific papers. Further directed the D. Pharm.N. Nikonov G. K. During this period, he defended his thesis 3 employees of the Department (Bimurzaev A. A., Sinitsyna V. G. bajmukhametov M. A.). For 13 years the Department was headed by a qualified technician C. Pharm.N., associate Professor Muchamedgaliev A. G. During this period them with colleagues published more than 50 scientific papers, received 2 diet listowski identity, released the training manual. From 1995 to 2001 the Department was headed by D. Pharm.N. Professor Ashirmetova M. N. During this time, was prepared by one of D. Pharm.N. (Makhatov B. K.), 7 C. Pharm.N. (Tarasova L. E., M. A. Khudaybergenov, etc.) and 2 PhD (Spiewa S. E., Baskakov I. V.). Then the Department of pharmacognosy, joined the Department of pharmaceutical chemistry, the head of which was appointed Professor of Beisembekov A. S. Three years since 2008 the Department of pharmacognosy headed by Professor Omarova R. A., from September 1, 2011 – associate Professor Sayakova G. M. currently, K. Pharm.N., associate Professor Sakova Galiya Myrzagalieva is the head of the course of pharmacognosy. She closely works continually with staff of RSE “Institute of botany and Phytointroduction”, the Botanical garden of Almaty and many universities not only in the domestic, middle, but also far abroad.
The course offers a Thorough study of natural plant and animal raw materials and products of their processing pervices for the introduction into practice of scientific medicine. The objectives of the study and teaching of the discipline is aimed at formation of students ‘ 2 main components of competencies: universal (generic) and subject-specialized (professional).
The aim of the course
Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of:
– basic concepts of pharmacognosy, of the subject and its significance for practice specialist pharmacy;
– differences between Botanical, pharmacognosy quality and merchandising characteristics of plants;
the modern nomenclature, methods of classification of medicinal plants and crude drugs of vegetable and animal origin permitted for use in medical practice and for use in industrial production;
– major groups of biologically active substances of natural origin and their physico-chemical properties, the main path of the biosynthesis, methods of separation, purification, qualitative and quantitative analysis of active substances of herbal drugs.
Function – the teaching of professionally – professional level pharmaceutical Sciences: pharmacognosy and botany
The main activities of the course – scientific study of the national medicinal plants and plants used in medicine and industrial application.
- The structure of the Department – the course of pharmacognosy and botany
- Composition: associate – Sayakova G. M., Kerimhanova S. E., masters:-Gumusova G. T., Abdrahman, Ahtaeva U. A. the theme of A. A.
Sayakova G. M. – Held internships in the educational and scientific process, published scientific articles, held sem)inars and made presentations on the scientific conferences in one of the following countries: Slovenia (Bratislava), Vienna (Austria), Hungary (Budapest), Belgium (Brussels), France (Paris), Germany (Cologne, Luxembourg), the Netherlands (Rottedam, the Netherlands). Passed scientific training in 2014 through the Bolashak six months at Saint-Petersburg chemical-pharmaceutical Academy