The subject toxicological chemistry as an independent discipline in the pharmaceutical faculty taught from 1953 to 1970 there was forensic chemistry course at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the Kazakh State Medical Institute. The course of Forensic Chemistry led Grachev Georgiy Dmitrievich. Since 1975, the subject “Toxicological Chemistry” was taught in the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy. In 1977, Department of Chemistry, pharmaceutical disciplines reorganized into the Department of toxicological and analytical chemistry, which was in charge of Ushbaev KenesUshbaevich. He is a Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor.
The great contribution to the development of the discipline made:
Ushbaev Kenes Ushbaevich, Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor, Tegisbaev EsbolganTegisbaevich, Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor, Bayzoldanov Tolegen Bayzoldanovich Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Bisembayev Edward Muhamedzhanovich, Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor, Shopabaeva Alma Rahimbaevna candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Dauletbakova Fauziya Dosmuhamedovna candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Docent.
The module “pharmacist toxicologist” formed in 2011 after the transformation of some departments of pharmaceutical faculty. Bayzoldanov TolegenBayzoldanovich was the head of the modulein the period from 2011 to 2013. He is a Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor.
In 2013, the module was attached chemical disciplines: inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical and colloid chemistry.
In 2013-2014 professor Ospanova Feruza Erkebekovna was the head of the module Doctor of Pharmacy and Ph.D in chemistry Balpanova Didar Tleulesovna.
In 2014-2016 docent Kozhamzharova Assel Seydahmetovna was the head of the module Ph.D. in chemistry.
Docent Kozhamzharova A.S. is the author of over 80 scientific works and publications in the central academic journals, collections of scientific works of the CIS and Kazakhstan, non-CIS in the central academic journals World Applied Sciences Journal, IDOSI Publications and 5 educational works. She was awarded with Diploma KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov “For success in work, learning and administrative activity aimed at the development of the University” and the decision of the Presidium of the Regional Academy of Management in 2015 was awarded the Gold Medal. Taylor’s “For merits in the development of management thought.” In 2016 she was awarded with the medal of JSC “Association of Pharmacists’ Support and pharmaceutical education and science” For loyalty to the pharmacist profession. ”
In 2016 from the 1st September the module “pharmacist toxicologist” transformed into a chemical-toxicological disciplines.
The course of chemico-toxicological disciplines was formed in 2015 on the basis of the “Pharmacist-Toxicologist” preparation module. The course of chemical and toxicological disciplines since September 2017 is a part of the Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. The course of chemico-toxicological disciplines teaches basic disciplines: an obligatory component and elective disciplines for students of 1, 2, 3, 5 specialties “Pharmacy” and “TFP”. The course includes: 1 professor (Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences), 5 associate professors, 3 master’s degrees who teach students in subjects: organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physicolloid chemistry, toxicological chemistry.
The teaching, teaching staff of the course conducts educational, teaching and research and research work. The staff of the course developed syllabuses for the subjects taught, 5 electronic textbooks, 12 textbooks and teaching aids in the state and Russian languages. Within the framework of the MES program to attract foreign teachers in the educational process of chemical-toxicological disciplines course cooperates with the St. Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy, National University of Pharmacy Ukraine (Kharkov), Medical Institute FGBOU (Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education ) “MSTU” Maikop State technological university, Russia, the Republic of Adygea. In close contact collective course of chemical-toxicological disciplines working with the chemical-toxicological laboratory of the Almaty branch of the Centre of Forensic Medicine, on the basis of which the students are training and work experience for Toxicological Chemistry “Analytical diagnostics and forensic chemical examination.
The purpose of the course: the preparation of a qualified employee, competitive and in demand on the labor market.
The main goal of the course: the implementation of educational, educational, methodological and scientific work in the areas and specialties of the course at a high professional level, meeting the current trends and requirements of the market of educational services.