On June 28, 2024, the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the memory of Professor R.Dilbarkhanov “Formation and prospects for the development of the scientific School of Pharmacy: the succession of generations” was held at the School of Pharmacy. The conference was organized by the Departments of Pharmaceutical Technology and Engineering disciplines.

Representatives of the scientific and educational community of the CIS countries and universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan interested in improving the quality of education and the implementation of scientific directions, with the subsequent publication of the results in the international information space, were invited to participate in the Conference. The reports reflect topical issues of pharmaceutical technology in accordance with international and national standards, contributing to the development of science, education and practice, as well as increasing the credibility of published research results in the scientific community.

Within the framework of the conference, it is planned to hold:

  • Plenary session,
  • Poster section of pharmaceutical technology and engineering disciplines, organization, management and economics of pharmacy, chemical and pharmaceutical disciplines.

The purpose of the conference is to organize and hold an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the memory of R.Dilbarkhanov “Formation and prospects for the development of the scientific school of pharmacy: succession of generations” within the framework of the integration of science, education and practical pharmacy.

The format of the conference is an exchange of experience and opinions on trends in the development of social partnership as a factor in improving the quality of education, discussion of ways and prospects of interaction with research centers and pharmaceutical enterprises, face-to–face and distance format.

The focus of the conference participants is on the following areas:

  • Organizational and economic issues of pharmaceutical activity and marketing research of the pharmaceutical market.
  • Modern technologies, production of medicines of synthetic, natural origin and medical products.
  • Quality control and standardization of medicines
  • Pharmacognostic analysis of medicinal plant raw materials, standardization of medicinal products of plant origin.
  • Current issues of clinical pharmacy, pharmacology and clinical pharmacology.
  • The current state and prospects for the development of cosmeceutics and cosmetology.
  • Modern biological/biotechnological medicines. Current issues of development and prospects of use.
  • The concept of quality assurance of medicines and medical devices within the framework of GxP.

More than 50 people took part in the conference: professors from the leading universities of the CIS – Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan, including representatives of the academic community and practical pharmacy from Karaganda, Almaty, Shymkent, as well as teaching staff and students of KazNMU. The work took place in the format of a plenary session of the conference and breakout sessions. On the discussion platform, topical issues of education, practice and science in the field of pharmacy were discussed by domestic and foreign scientists, teachers and university staff, representatives of practical pharmacy.

During the conference, reports and posters were heard:

  • The use of neuromarketing research in the pharmaceutical business”
  • Micronization of dry milk thistle extract by dissolution method”
  • Historical aspects of the formation of the school of pharmacy at NTU “KHPI”
  • Determination of selenium and other biogenic elements in the composition of drinking and mineral waters of Jalal-Abad
  • Issues of biological safety in biotechnological pharmaceutical industries
  • Quality management system in pharmaceutical activities
  • Pharmaceutical development and pharmacological research of dental films for use in dental practice
  • Prospects for the development of the School of Pharmacy for 2024-2028

The topics of the poster presentations:

  • Optimal technology for obtaining a herbal pharmaceutical substance from raw materials of Hungarian Cottontail (Nepeta nuda L.)
  • Optimal parameters for the extraction of carbon dioxide from (Euphorbia humifusa Willd.) under subcritical conditions
  • Development of the composition of a therapeutic soap based on wormwood
  • Prospects for the use of the medicinal plant ile NANOPHYTON (NANOPHYTON ILIENSE U.P.PRATOV)
  • Illegal medical and pharmaceutical activities and illegal issuance or forgery of prescriptions or other documents giving the right to receive narcotic or psychotropic substances
  • Description of medicinal plant raw materials sweet dill (Anethum graveolens L.)
  • Development of technology and standardization of suppositories with oil extract from St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.)

According to the results of the competition, the participants defended their research on poster reports and took first, second and third places.

I place – Yerdenbai Anar Nurmuhamedkyzy, Hands: Ustenova G.O. NAO KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Almaty, Kazakhstan with the theme of the poster report: “Optimal technology for obtaining herbal pharmaceutical substance from raw materials of Hungarian Cottontail (Nepeta nuda L.)”

II place – Gani Gulfariza Muratbekkyzy Hands: Zhakipbekov K.S., Mombekov S. NAO KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Almaty, Kazakhstan with the theme of the poster report: “Optimal parameters of carbon dioxide extraction from (Euphorbia humifusa Willd.) under subcritical conditions”

III place – Akhmetova Ayana Yernarkyzy, Director: An Vladimir Sergeevich NAO KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Almaty, Kazakhstan with the theme of the poster report: “Technology development and standardization of suppositories with oil extract from St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.)”

The participants of the international scientific and practical conference state the need for:

  • Introduction of changes and additions to the NPA regulating pharmaceutical activities into the scientific and educational process;
  • Further development of the scientific school of Professor R.Dilbarkhanov (publication of scientific and methodological materials, commercialization of research results of students of Professor R.Dilbarkhanov;
  • Development of new scientific directions at the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology:
    • Fundamentals of the production of radiopharmaceuticals;
    • Improvement of the cosmetology laboratory;
    • Development of the technology of parapharmaceutical products;
  • Holding an anniversary conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor R.Dilbarkhanov and preparations have begun.
  • Development and implementation of an integrated elective discipline on biological safety in pharmaceutical industries.
  • Implementation of the operational plan of the School of Pharmacy for 24-28 years.