Industrial practice “Quality control and standardization of medicines” is one of the special parts of mastering practical material in pharmaceutical chemistry, which forms the professional knowledge, skills and abilities of a specialist working in the pharmaceutical market, and also represents one of the forms of organizing the educational process, consisting in practical training of students at practice bases.

The industrial practice program provides for the formation in students of the analytical thinking necessary to solve professional problems in the field of quality control of medicines and the acquisition of practical skills in standardizing medicines, in accordance with the requirements of quality standards and other regulatory documents.

As part of academic mobility, according to order No. 726 dated 04/04/2024 of the Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, for the period from May 13 to May 28, 2024, the practical training program “Quality Control and Standardization of Medicines” is being implemented for 5th year students in the specialty 6B10401 – “Pharmacy” of the Astana Medical University (AMU) on the basis of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Pharmacognosy and Botany of the School pharmacy.

The purpose of industrial practice: consolidation of practical skills acquired in theoretical and practical courses on quality control and standardization of medicines.

The duration of practical training “Quality control and standardization of medicines” is 3 credits, the total number of hours is 90.

The first meeting with students of AMU and with the teaching staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Pharmacognosy and Botany of KazNMU took place in the Concordia hall: acting Head of the department Akhelova A.L., professor of the department Sayakova G.M., acting professor of the department Boshkaev A.K.

From Astana Medical University, the representative from the department of pharmaceutical disciplines was Master of Economics Saule Makenovna Kilibasova.

The dean of the School of Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor Z.B. Sakipova was present at the departmental meeting.

On the first day of the meeting with students of the Astana Medical University (AMU) at the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Pharmacognosy and Botany, an introductory conversation was held under the leadership of Doctor of Pharmacy, associate Professor of the department Boshkaeva A.K. on organizing and implementing the industrial practice plan.

At the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Pharmacognosy and Botany under the leadership of Boshkaeva A.K., Masakbaev A.D., Pushkarskaya N.S. planned work is carried out on the approved topics of the Industrial Practice Program:

1 Familiarization with the performance of duties, the procedure for performing work, the organization and technical equipment of the workplace to solve the problems of quality control and standardization of medicines.
2 Mastering general pharmacopoeial methods of physical, chemical and physicochemical analysis of drugs.
3 Determination of quality indicators of medicines: solubility.
4 Determination of quality indicators of medicines: transparency, color.
5 Determination of quality indicators of medicines: acidity and alkalinity; pH.
6 Purity tests and admissible impurity limits: determination of acceptable and unacceptable impurities.
7 Determination of quality indicators of medicines: total ash.
8 Determination of quality indicators of medicines: dry residue, weight loss during drying.
9 Determination of quality indicators of medicines: density.
10 Determination of quality indicators of medicines: melting point, boiling point.
11 Analysis of medicinal products by methods of physicochemical analysis:

  • photometry in the Ultraviolet and visible regions of the spectrum;
  • chromatography (Thin layer chromatography, High performance liquid chromatography and so on);
  • polarimetry, refractometry, potentiometry.
12 Carrying out pharmacopoeial analysis of medicinal substances. Preparation of the report.

As part of the advanced training on the topic “Basic principles of standardization of medicines”, for the training staff of Astana Medical University, the Dean of the School of Pharmacy organized a course of lectures by Professor, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tulegenova A.U., Chairman of the Pharmacopoeial Committee of the EAEU.

Excursions were organized to the practice bases: Scientific and Practical Control and Analytical Laboratory of Chemistry and Pharmacognosy; Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction; “Kelun-Kazfarm” LLP; Fitoleum LLP; Research Institute of Food Safety at Almaty Technical University. We visited the “Museum of KazNMU”, “Anatomical Museum of the University”.

Thus, industrial practice “Quality control and standardization of medicines”, carried out as part of academic mobility for 5th year students of the Non-Profit Joint Stock Company “Astana Medical University” (under the educational program 6B10401 – “Pharmacy”) ensures the integration of education and practice between Higher educational institutions Kazakhstan: Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University and Astana Medical University.