- Pharmaceutical Chemistry / Textbook, Krasnov EA, Omarova RA, Boshkaeva AK, Izd. Geotard, Moscow, 2016. – p. 704, in Russian. and kaz. lang.
In the training manual in the form of questions and answers, 20 groups of nitrogen-containing medicinal substances, constructed according to a single scheme, are presented. To each group of derivatives, a list of questions is given, starting from the characterization of the heterocycle and ending with the use of the preparations, as well as the answers, which are thought-provoking, contribute to the creative perception of the vast material.
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry / Textbook, Krasnov EA, Omarova RA, Boshkaeva AK, Ed. Geotar, Moscow, 2017. – p. 352, in rus. yaz.
In the training manual in the form of questions and answers, 20 groups of nitrogen-containing medicinal substances, constructed according to a single scheme, are presented. To each group of derivatives, a list of questions is given, starting from the characterization of the heterocycle and ending with the use of the preparations, as well as the answers, which are thought-provoking, contribute to the creative perception of the vast material.
- Structural study of medicinal substances by the methods of physical and chemical analysis / Textbook, Boshkayeva AK, Izd. Evero, Almaty, 2016. – p. 209, in Russian. yaz.
The book “Structural studies of medicinal substances by methods of physical and chemical analysis” is devoted to methods based on the absorption of electromagnetic radiation, methods based on the use of a magnetic field, methods of chromatographic mass spectrometry, electron microscopy, X-ray spectral analysis to establish the structure of medicinal substances.
The manual is recommended for students, masters and PhD-doctors, engaged in applied research in the field of structural research of medicinal substances.
4.Fiziko-chemical methods of analysis in pharmacy / Textbook, Omarova RA, Boshkaeva AK, Izd. Almaprintmaster, Almaty, 2011. – p. 141, in rus. yaz.
In the training manual in the form of questions and answers, 20 groups of nitrogen-containing medicinal substances, constructed according to a single scheme, are presented. To each group of derivatives, a list of questions is given, starting from the characterization of the heterocycle and ending with the use of the preparations, as well as the answers, which are thought-provoking, contribute to the creative perception of the vast material.