As part of the academic mobility program, from May 13, 2024 to May 18, 2024, 4th year students of the specialty “Pharmacy” of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov” underwent practical training at the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Pharmacognosy and Botany


During the internship according to the road map under the guidance of the professor of the department Sayakova G.M. and assistant of the department Khamitova A.E. оn the first day, students were familiarized with the purpose, objectives and schedule of practice, the procedure for keeping a diary, and safety precautions.

Base of practice – Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction. On the basis of practice, students became familiar with various types of medicinal plants, introduced plants, and the peculiarities of collecting and drying medicinal plants. Along with this, we visited Kelun-Kazpharm LLP, the Museum of History and the Anatomical Museum of the University, the Scientific and Practical Control and Analytical Laboratory of Chemistry and Pharmacognosy of the Atchabarov Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Medicine.

The duration of practical training is 2 credits, the total number of hours is 60.

The purpose of the practice is to consolidate knowledge of pharmacognosy: acquiring skills in the procurement, storage and processing of medicinal plant raw materials.

Practice objectives:

  • acquaintance of students with the activities of all procurement organizations in coordinating procurement volumes and the nomenclature of medicinal plant raw materials;
  • familiarization with the organization of procurement of medicinal plant raw materials in various procurement institutions;
  • students acquire skills in organizing the acceptance of medicinal plant raw materials from the procurer;
  • students mastering methods of harvesting wild and cultivated medicinal plants, including the identification of medicinal plants in various plant communities and habitats, morphological determination of the most important medicinal and other possible impurities;
  • students mastering the basic techniques of collecting and drying medicinal plant materials of various morphological groups;
  • carry out storage and processing of medicinal plant raw materials in a pharmacy, warehouse, plant for processing medicinal plant raw materials.