<a href=”https://pharmacy.kaznmu.edu.kz/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Издательская-деятельность2024.pdf”>Publishing Activities 2024</a>
№ п/п Name, Author (s) Approximate number of pages 1. Тургумбаева А.А., Устенова Г.О. Фундаментальные основы фармацевтической разработка ЛС. – Алматы, – 2019. – 180 бет. 2. Т. Байзолданов, Ғ.С. Ибадуллаева СҰЙЫҚ ДӘРІЛІК ҚАЛЫПТАР – Алматы, – 2019. – 186 бет. 3. international scientific and practical conference “University Days-2019” at the school of pharmacy7.4. 4. international scientific and practical conference “University Days-2019” at the school of pharmacy8. 5. International scientific and practical conference of young scientists «Akan readings: the role of PHC in achieving universal health coverage» 6. V Scientific and practical conference with international participation 7. “Priorities of pharmacy and dentistry: from theory to practice» 100 300 – Kazakh language – – Russian language Russian language International (KazNMU, near and far abroad) International (KazNMU, near and far abroad) Almaty Almaty 1. Dathaev U. M., Kapsalyamova E. N., Gladuh E. V. Industrial production of solid dosage Forms. Instructions for solid dosage forms Textbook for students of specialties ” pharmacy», “Technology of pharmaceutical production”» 2.Kapsalyamova E. N., “Industrial sanitation and safety in industrial production of Kazakhstan» Textbook for students of the faculty of pharmacy 3.Raganina K. T., Kapsalyamova E. N., State reglamentaria production ELF. Main aspects of technology. Textbook for students of the faculty of pharmacy 96 150-200 Russian lang. Russian lang. Republican Republican Almaty KazNMU them. S. D. Asfendiyarova Almaty KazNMU them. S. D. Asfendiyarova Republican 1.G. S. Ibadullaev “Tandy DLC scan alyna CO2 extractor negeshi the new fitopreparatov aludy pharmaceutically negados me standardului” – issue in 2019 (extract from the Department meeting, there is consideration at the meeting of the NC pharmacy – 15.10.2019 g). 2. Rakhimov K. D., Turgumbaeva A. A., Ustenova G. O., Abuova Zh. b.- “Kazakstandyk maksarynyn” AK May “Turin standardtau Zhane onyn negizinde phytopreparation zhasau”, the second monograph is submitted-issue in 2019 ((extract from the meeting of the Department is available, consideration at the meeting of the NC pharmacy-15.10.2019). 60-70 Republican
Type of publication Language of publication Level (international, national) Place of publication, year of publication Kazakh language English Russian language 1. 1 Textbooks 2. 2 Collections of materials of scientific events 3 Training AIDS 4 Analytical review – Almaty 5 Other (monograph) Russian lang. Almaty
№ п/п In publications RK In publications CIS Co-authored with foreign scientists
Type of publication In foreign international publications The total number of / per unit of full-time faculty 1 Articles: without the impact factor 25 10 10 5 50 with an impact factor – – 2 – 2 2 Theses: without the impact factor 15 15 10 – 40 with an impact factor of up to 2 – – 1 – 1