Professional development training “Topical issues of good engineering practice in drug manufacturing” for faculty members of the Department of Engineering Disciplines and Good Practices

In the walls of the S.D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU in the School of Pharmacy began a course of lectures to improve the qualifications of faculty and specialists in the pharmaceutical industry, on the theme “Current issues of good engineering practice in the production of medicines. Professional development programme is designed for 120 hours (4 credits) from 13.05.2024 to 24.05.2024.

The lecturer is the Master of Electrical Engineering and Technology of the National Technical University of Ukraine Chief Engineer of “KA-STROY LTD” LLP Yuriy Alekseyevich Kot.

His professional activity includes work in such companies as: Arsenal Plant (Kyiv), Helsingin Energia Company (Helsinki, Finland), Allianceenergo LLC (Kyiv), Nestle Suisse S.A. Company (Vevey, Switzerland), Synapses PPPP (Kyiv), Arterium Corporation, Kyivmedpreparat PJSC, Favea Engineering Kyiv LLC (Kyiv), part of the FAVEA Group (Czech Republic). Kiev), Arterium Corporation, Kievmedpreparat PJSC, Favea Engineering Kiev LLC (Kiev), a member of FAVEA Group (Czech Republic), Kazakh Pharmaceutical Company MEDSERVICE PLUS LLP (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan).

Currently he is the Chief Engineer of KA-STROY Ltd LLP (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

At the seminars, Yuri Kot reveals issues on Good Engineering Practice (GEP) for organising the production of sterile dosage forms:

  • Legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, EAEU, international on the issues of good engineering practice in the production of medicines and medical devices.
  • Aseptic manufacturing (design requirements).
  • Service maintenance of engineering systems and equipment.
  • Production of sterile pharmaceuticals.
  • CIP systems, design and qualification.
  • Ventilation systems and clean rooms (requirements, design and qualifications).
  • THF production. Prevention of cross-contamination.
  • Design of solid dosage forms production (risk analysis).
  • Sterile production (operation).
  • Water treatment system (design and construction).
  • Compressed air system and other auxiliary systems.