Master class on the topic “Ultrasonic extraction”

As part of the pre-graduation practice “Design and production of medicinal products” for 4th year students in the educational program B072 – Pharmaceutical Production Technology on 03/05/2024 in educational building No. 5, at the Research Institute of Physics and Medicine named after. B. Atchabarova, in the scientific and practical control and analytical laboratory of chemistry and pharmacognosy, a master class was held by PhD doctoral student, assistant of the department Abay Dzholdasovich Masakbaev on the topic: “Ultrasonic extraction.” The master class was attended by teaching staff from the departments of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry, pharmacognosy and botany, and 4th year students of the specialty “Pharmaceutical Production Technology”. In practice, students learned to use an ultrasonic device to obtain extracts from medicinal plant materials and learned the theoretical aspects of extraction. The beauty of the ultrasonic extraction method is its compatibility with almost any plant material and solvent.