Master class by Sametova Elmira Saylaukhanovna

On March 12, 2024, at the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Pharmacognosy and Botany, a motivational lecture was held by the Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction, Leading Researcher Elmira Saylaukhanovna Sametova on the topic: “Diversity of medicinal plants of Kazakhstan.” The motivational lecture was attended by teaching staff of the department, 3rd year students of the specialty “Pharmacy” and 4th year students of the specialty “Pharmaceutical Production Technology”. During the lectures by Sametov E.S. spoke about the history of the opening, the goals and objectives, and the structure of the Botanical Garden; the prevalence of medicinal plants in the Republic of Kazakhstan, their numbers, indicated endemic species of ornamental and medicinal plants. She also noted that many plants in our Republic have not yet been studied, although they are of great interest in folk medicine.

As a result of the lectures, students learned about the diversity of the flora of Kazakhstan, including medicinal plants, their habitat, endangered species of medicinal plants, plant species that need to be researched for implementation in pharmaceutical practice.