About the visit of a professor of University of Mississippi, Oxford, USA. Samir Anis Ross


Dear Colleagues and Students!

From May 27 to June 8, 2024, the professor of state research University of Mississippi, Oxford, USA. Samir Anis Ross (H-index, 43) begins the work at the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of the School of Pharmacy as a visiting professor of the KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.

As part of the training program, Professor Samir Anis Ross plans to conduct lectures, seminars and consultations for PhD doctoral students as part of their research work.

We invite everyone interested to take an active part.

For information*, please contact the responsible staff for organizing.

  • Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology – Elmira Nikolaevna Kapsalyamova, tel. +7 778 313 1111, Email. Mail: [email protected]
  • Assistant of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology – Sarybaev Bakhtiyar Alibekovich tel.: + 7 775 442 48 72, email. Mail: [email protected]