Since 2017, the course of pharmaceutical chemistry was included in the new department – the Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, as an independent department was organized in 1953In 1953, the head of the department was elected associate professor Babich Solomon Efimovich. From 1969 to 1979, the department was headed by Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor Esbolgan Tegisbaevich Tegisbaev. In 1979, Tegisbaev E.T. by decision of the KazSSR government became the first director of the branch of the AGMI in the city of Shymkent.
From 1979 to 2008 the department was headed by Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Beisenbekov Alimkhan Sabekovich. Under his scientific guidance for two decades, researchers conducted research on the registered subject “Application of the reaction formation of polymethine dyes in pharmaceutical analysis of drugs using physical and chemical methods of determination.”
In 2008 the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry was transformed into the module “Pharmacist-Analyst”. From the beginning of the formation of the module, and until October, the month of 2016, the module “Pharmacist-Analyst” was headed by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Omarova Roza Amirzhanovna. Under her scientific guidance, fundamental scientific research was conducted within the framework of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Under the leadership of RA Omarova. in conjunction with the Institute of Dentistry of KazNMU. S.D. Asfendiyarov since 2012, a scientific and practical conference with international participation “Priorities of Pharmacy and Dentistry – from theory to practice” was held annually.
Since September 2016 the module “Pharmacist-Analyst” has been renamed into the course of pharmaceutical chemistry.
Beginning in October 2016, the course of pharmaceutical chemistry was headed by Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Bisenbaev E.M. Under the leadership of E. Bisenbaev. Scientific research works of students, undergraduates and doctoral students were actively carried out. During the period 2015-2017. he conducted lectures on the standardization of medicines for the teachers of the module “Pharmacist-analyst” and the courses of the FPP for the PPS course in pharmaceutical chemistry.
According to the order of the rector KazNMU. S.D. Asfendiyarov No. 496 of 12.09.2017, the courses of pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy and chemico-toxicological disciplines, previously part of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines, were merged into the Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, headed by the department head A. A. Boskayeva.
On the course of pharmaceutical chemistry there are 6 staff units:
1) A.Boshkaeva. – Associate Professor, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Head of the Department of Chemical-Pharmaceutical Disciplines;
2) Kelimkhanova S.E. – Professor, D.Pharm.n .;
3) Ahelova AL – Ph.D., senior lecturer;
4) Turgumbaeva AA – PhD, senior teacher;
5) Toktibekova AA – Senior Assistant;
6) Makhanbetova AA – Senior Assistant.
The goal of the course: is to develop knowledge of physical and chemical properties of medicines, pharmacopoeial methods of their study, acquisition of professional skills in pharmaceutical analysis of medicines at the stages of development, production, storage and use. Based on the goal, in the process of studying basic and elective subjects the following tasks are solved:
- In accordance with the applied nature of pharmaceutical chemistry, the aim of the course is to disclose the methodology for the creation and evaluation of the quality of medicinal products on the basis of general and particular laws of the chemical and biological sciences and the history of their application.
- In order to more clearly represent the knowledge of general theoretical provisions in the development of pharmaceutical chemistry as an applied science, the program identifies two sections – “General part of pharmaceutical chemistry” and “Special part of pharmaceutical chemistry”. The realization of their interrelation in the study of the subject of pharmaceutical chemistry – drugs – forms the ability to solve professional problems. The general part of the program outlines the features of the system, which is necessary for the development of pharmaceutical chemistry, as a science of diverse drugs. This section provides, on the basis of the history of development in the development of medicines, general principles for assessing their quality, the form and content of the organization of the process of obtaining, producing, analyzing and ensuring the quality of the medicinal products.
- In a special part of the program of pharmaceutical chemistry, groups and individual medicinal products are listed, which are necessary for the formation of a professional outlook, orientation in the nomenclature of medicinal substances, sources of their production. The classification of medicinal substances in the section “Special part of pharmaceutical chemistry” is constructed on the basis of the chemical principle, taking into account their pharmacological action, which provides the necessary concepts for a multilateral approach in assessing the quality of medicines. This principle corresponds to the applied nature of pharmaceutical chemistry.
- Medicinal inorganic substances are presented as a single section of the general system of classification of medicines, which has characteristic and interrelated methods and methods of analysis in assessing quality. The grouping of medicinal substances in this part assumes not the study of the regularities of the properties of elements expressed in the table of DI Mendeleyev, but on the basis of a holistic perception of these regularities a purposeful approach to solving problems of assessing the quality of medicines of inorganic nature. Combination of drugs not by the elements of the groups of the periodic system, but by their compounds provides a more specific idea of the chemical composition as a whole with the use of this substance.
- Medicinal substances of organic nature are grouped according to the peculiarities of the chemical structure, which make it possible to generalize the most important characteristics that determine the quality requirements. Medicinal substances of natural origin are grouped with their synthetic analogs, obtained as a result of a comprehensive study of these natural compounds. This underlines the importance of the historical approach for the creation of medicines, the choice of methods for analysis and for predicting the degree of safety.
- The creation and development of a specific group of drugs is proposed to be considered using several compounds. The attention of the student is concentrated on a unified approach to the study of a group of substances characterized by separate structural features.
- The selection of the contents of the program was carried out on the basis of integration with fundamental chemical, medical-biological and special disciplines.
The final results of training on Dublin descriptors:
Knowledge and understanding (demonstrates knowledge and understanding in the studied area):
- the subject and tasks of the pharmaceutical analysis, the procedure and principles for its organization and conduct;
- modern physical, chemical and physical-chemical methods used in pharmaceutical analysis;
- general pharmacopoeial research methods used to control the quality of medicines;
- modern nomenclature and classification of medicines;
- the relationship of the chemical structure with the pharmacological activity of drugs, underlying the production of new biologically active compounds;
- Sources and methods for obtaining medicines that form quality requirements (content of source, intermediate, related products and other quality indicators);
- physical and chemical properties of medicinal products, which determine the choice of methods of analysis, dosage form, stability and storage conditions.
Application of knowledge and understanding (applies knowledge and understanding on a professional level):
- conducts all types of pharmaceutical analysis for quality control of medicinal products at the stages of development, production, storage and use;
- applies modern physico-chemical (instrumental) methods for identification, analysis of purity and quantitative determination of medicines.
Formation of judgments (formulates arguments and solves problems in the studied area):
- the causal relationship between the actual result of the pharmaceutical analysis and the requirements of normative documents for the quality of medicines at the stages of receipt, production, storage and release.
Skills of training, ability to study (collects and interprets information for the formation of judgments, taking into account social, ethical and scientific considerations):
- demonstrates the ability to work with regulatory and technical documentation for the control of the quality and safety of medicines;
- interprets the results of his own laboratory work and gives an opinion in accordance with the requirements of normative documents for the quality of medicines;
- demonstrates the ability to work with scientific pharmaceutical and medical literature, as well as assess the domestic and foreign experience on the subject of research.
Communicative abilities (communicates information, ideas, problems of solution to both specialists and non-specialists:
- presents the results of studies on the quality control of medicinal products;
- is ready to inform specialists and the public about the compliance of medicines with the requirements of normative documents;
- It is ready to bring ideas to solve problems in the event of a discrepancy in the quality of medicinal products with the requirements of normative documents.