The staff of the department


Zhakipbekov Kairat Saparkhanovich

PhD, associate professor, head of department

Email: [email protected]

Staff of the department

Shopabaeva Alma Rakhimbaevna

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor of the Department

Email: [email protected]

Tleubaeva Meruert Ilyasovna

PhD, associate professor of the department

Email: [email protected]

Serikbaeva Elmira Asilbekovna

PhD, associate professor of the department

Email: [email protected]

Elshibekova Karlygash Mukhametovna

Master of Engineering and Technology, Lecturer

Email: [email protected]

Zharymbetov Kurakbay Baiseitovich


Email: [email protected]

Rakhymbayev Nurgali Amanbayuly

PhD, lecturer

Email: [email protected]

Tairova Karima Ermekovna

PhD, lecturer

Email: [email protected]

Mukanova Arailym Beibitkyzy

Master of Medical Sciences, Lecturer

Email: [email protected]

Egizbaeva Akdidar Aidarkhanovna

Master of Economic Sciences, Lecturer

Email: [email protected]

Ashirov Murat Zulpiddinovich

Master of Medical Sciences, Lecturer

Email: [email protected]

Seytova Zhanerke Dauletovna

Master of Medical Sciences, Assistant

Email: [email protected]

Zhumabaev Nurdaulet Narbekovich

Master of Medical Sciences, Assistant

Email: [email protected]

Abilkassymova Alima Maratkyzy

Master of Medicine, assistant

Email: [email protected]

Egizbaeva Shynar Amangeldikyzy

Master of Engineering and Technology, assistant

Email: [email protected]

Makasheva Nazgul Onalbekovna

Master of Economic Sciences, assistant

Email: [email protected]

Barkizatova Gulzhanat Bakhtiyarkyzy

Master of Medical Sciences, Assistant

Email: [email protected]

Sagindykova Karlygash Ergalikyzy

Master of Medical Sciences, Assistant

Email: [email protected]

Konash Nyshanbay Ermekuly

Master of Medical Sciences, Assistant

Email: [email protected]

Bidan Nurdana Muratbekkyzy

Master of Medical Sciences, Assistant

Email: [email protected]

Darapov Shyngys Sabyrzhanuly

Master of Engineering and Technology, assistant

Email: [email protected]