Head of the Department, doctor of pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor of the Department of pharmaceutical technology, Director of the Department of pharmacy.
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Head of the Department, doctor of pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor of the Department of pharmaceutical technology, Director of the Department of pharmacy. Education: higher education, 1988-1993-Almaty State medical Institute-faculty of pharmacy, specialty-pharmacy (diploma with honors) 1999-2001-Eurasian Institute of market, specialty “Economics and management”. 2000 – protection of the candidate’s dissertation in KazNMU. S. D. Asfendiyarova on the topic “Development of optimal composition and technology of dosage forms based on” shipala may GF “with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action” specialty 15.00.01-drug technology and organization of pharmaceutical business 2007-2010-doctoral studies in KazNMU. S. D. Asfendiyarova, thesis “Technological and biopharmaceutical aspects of phytopreparations based on supercritical carbon dioxide extracts”. Labour activity: 1993-1996-NCE “Medstandart” – trainee researcher. 1996 – present-KazNMU. S. D. Asfendiyarova. 2017 – present-employee of “Roberts Helscea Kazakhstan” LLP» Under my supervision, 5 Ph. D. and 22 master’s dissertations were defended. Currently, he is the supervisor of 7 doctoral students, 7 undergraduates studying in the specialties “technology of pharmaceutical production” and “pharmacy”. I have more than 180 scientific works, including articles (more than 20 articles with impact factor), 2 teaching AIDS (co-authored), 2 textbooks, 3 monographs ( 1 single), more than 10 innovative patents and copyright certificates. Projects (participation in scientific projects): She completed a scientific internship under the program “Bolashak” at the Medical University, Gdansk (Poland) for 1 month (March 2013). Letter of Appreciation for participation in the competition “Shapagat” from Committee on intellectual property and the diploma of the MOH, the badge “excellent health of Kazakhstan”, the title of MES RK “the Best University teacher-2015”, a gold medal of KazNMU them. S. D. Asfendiyarova. Within the framework of scientific projects she collaborated with foreign Universities : The mathematics and computer science Department the city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, etc. Participated with oral and poster presentations in international conferences in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, USA, UAE, Malaysia, France, Greece, Malaysia and other countries. Regularly passes professional development of specialists, there are certificates: Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of pharmaceutical technology. Education: Higher, 05.18.01-Technology of processing, storage and processing of cereals, legumes, cereals, fruits and vegetables and viticulture The theme of the doctoral dissertation: improvement of scientific and practical bases of rational use of corn seed and food purposes. Awards, titles: Projects (participation in scientific projects): Candidate of pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of pharmaceutical technology. Education: higher education, ASMI in 1993, specialty “pharmacy”. Scientific direction: development of drug technology, search and introduction of new drugs of natural origin in the domestic pharmaceutical industry. Grants (participation in scientific grants): Leading researcher of the scientific grant of MES RK “Development of new drugs, methods and technologies for their production on the basis of domestic raw materials” (2012-2014), the executor of the intra-University grant of KazNMU. S. D. asfendiyarova “development of composition and technologies of transdermal therapeutic system for treatment of thyroid diseases” (2013-2014). Scientific publications: author of 23 scientific papers, including 16 articles in specialized scientific publications (including refereed in scientometric databases). Author of 3 copyright certificates and 3 innovation patents. PhD-doctor in specialty 6D074800 – “technology of pharmaceutical production”, associate Professor of the Department of pharmaceutical technology. Education: higher, graduated in 2009 from the faculty of pharmacy KazNMU. S. D. asfendiyarova, in 2012 — master’s degree of KazNMU. S. D. Asfendiyarova., 2015-doctorate of KazNMU. S. D. Asfendiyarova Direction of scientific activity: search and introduction of new excipients of natural origin in domestic pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical development of new drugs based on domestic natural raw materials. Scientific publications: he is the owner of more than 4 preliminary and 2 innovative patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the author of more than 30 scientific and educational articles, including 4 articles with impact factor. Candidate of pharmaceutical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of pharmaceutical technology. Education: higher education, ASMI in 1993, specialty “pharmacy”. Scientific direction: development of drug technology, search and introduction of new drugs of natural origin in the domestic pharmaceutical industry. Scientific publications: author of 80 scientific papers, including 18 articles in specialized scientific publications (including refereed in scientometric databases). Author of 5 copyright certificates and 8 innovative patents. PhD-doctor in specialty 6D074800 – “technology of pharmaceutical production”, associate Professor of the Department of pharmaceutical technology. Education: higher, graduated in 1994 AGMI with qualification “Pharmacist”. Scientific direction: development, production and standardization of medicines, validation of production. Grants (participation in scientific grants): Responsible executor of the intra-University grant of KazNMU. S. D. Asfendiyarova on “development of composition and technology of dosage forms with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action based on fir oil”. Has 3 innovative patents. PhD, associate Professor of pharmaceutical technology. Education: Awards, titles: Master of medical Sciences in pharmacy, assistant of the Department of pharmaceutical technology. Education: higher, graduated from the pharmaceutical faculty of the South Kazakhstan state medical Academy, Shymkent. Direction of scientific activity: search and introduction of new excipients of natural origin in domestic pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical development of new drugs based on domestic natural raw materials. Scientific publications: he is the author of more than 10 scientific and 2 educational and methodical works. k.pharm. Professor, lecturer of the Department of pharmaceutical technology. Education: 1989-1994 Alma-ATA state medical Institute faculty of pharmacy, specialty-pharmacist 05.2010 defended her thesis on the topic: “Features of production technology and standardization of phytosiropes” KM-Tussophyte, KM-Immunophyte, KM-Immunostim and Barabaris” and received the degree of candidate of pharmaceutical Sciences Participated: PhD, lecturer of the Department of pharmaceutical technology. Education: higher education 2006-2010 Kazakh national University named after al-Farabi faculty of chemistry, specialty 050606 – “Chemistry” (diploma with honors), in 2012-2014. master’s degree KazNU. al-Farabi, 2015-2018-doctorate in specialty 6D074800 – “technology of pharmaceutical production” KazNMU. S. D. Asfendiyarova. Direction of scientific activity: search and introduction of new excipients of natural origin in domestic pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical development of new drugs based on domestic natural raw materials. Scientific publications: he is the owner of 2 innovative patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the author of more than 22 scientific and educational articles, including 3 articles with impact factor. Master of technical Sciences in the specialty “technology of pharmaceutical production”, assistant of the Department of pharmaceutical technology. Education: higher education 2011-2015 Kazakh national University named after al-Farabi faculty of chemistry, specialty “Chemical technology of inorganic substances” (diploma with honors), in 2015-2017 master’s degree in specialty 6D074800 – “technology of pharmaceutical production” KazNMU. S. D. Asfendiyarova. Direction of scientific activity: search and introduction of new excipients of natural origin in domestic pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical development of new drugs based on domestic natural raw materials. Scientific publications: author of more than 5 scientific publications. Master of chemistry, assistant of the Department of pharmaceutical technology. Education: Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abay. Specialty: Chemistry (master’s degree); KazNMU named after S. D. Asfendiyarov-2nd year doctoral student in spec. “Technology of pharmaceutical production» The direction of scientific activity: Formation of bases of research activity of students in the course of training of physical and colloidal chemistry at pharmaceutical faculty. Pharmaceutical substantiation of obtaining phytosubstances from raw materials of the Thuringian Witch plant (Lavatera thuringiaca L.). Grants (participation in scientific grants): intra-University scientific grant “Pharmaceutical and pharmacological aspects of development and research of biological drugs” (2015-1016). Scientific publications: Has more than 10 scientific publications Master of medical Sciences in pharmacy, assistant of the Department of pharmaceutical technology. Education: Awards, titles: 1.The best report 2016 – I – place SKSPHA (Section: Organization and management of pharmaceutical business). 2.Best teacher of the year -2017 II-place, SHVEK. 3.Letter of thanks for the simulation training program on the topic: “Basic (nursing ) skills of patient care using simulation educational technologies” -2018, SKO ROO “Branch professional Union of health care workers” SENIM Master of technical Sciences in the specialty “technology of pharmaceutical production”, assistant of the Department of pharmaceutical technology. Education: Direction of scientific activity: search and introduction of new excipients of natural origin in domestic pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical development of new drugs based on domestic natural raw materials. Scientific publications: author of more than 5 scientific publications. Master of technical Sciences in the specialty «technology of pharmaceutical production», assistant of the Department of pharmaceutical technology. e-mail: [email protected]: Master of Engineering and Technology in the specialty «Technology of pharmaceutical production», assistant of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology. e-mail: [email protected] Education: Master of technical Sciences in the specialty “technology of pharmaceutical production”, assistant of the Department of pharmaceutical technology. e-mail: [email protected] Master of technical Sciences in the specialty “technology of pharmaceutical production”, assistant of the Department of pharmaceutical technology. Education: