- On the course of pharmaceutical chemistry there are 6 staff units:1) A.Boshkaeva. – Associate Professor, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Head of the Department of Chemical-Pharmaceutical Disciplines;
2) Kelimkhanova S.E. – Professor, D.Pharm.n .;
3) Ahelova AL – Ph.D., senior lecturer;
4) Turgumbaeva AA – PhD, senior teacher;
5) Toktibekova AA – Senior Assistant;
6) Makhanbetova AA – Senior Assistant.
The head of the department of chemical and pharmaceutical disciplines is Asyl Keneshovna Boskaeva.
Boshkayeva Asyl Kenesovna was born on September 28, 1965 in the West Kazakhstan region.
Education: In 1990 graduated with honors from the pharmaceutical faculty of the Almaty Medical State Institute with a qualified pharmacist. In 1999 she defended her thesis on the topic: “Determination of the derivatives of β-pyridine of plant and synthetic origin on the basis of the reaction of formation of polymethine dyes” (according to the code of specialty 15.00.02 – Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy). The continuation of the Ph.D. thesis was the defense of a doctoral dissertation in 2007 at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute on the theme: “Development of unified techniques in the analysis of certain antibiotics, alkaloids and vitamin preparations.”
In 2013, Boshkaeva AK received a scholarship of the International Program “Bolashak”
Work experience / professional experience: August 1, 1990 was accepted as senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Toxicological Chemistry. In 1993 she was transferred to the position of assistant of the same department, she taught discipline “Pharmaceutical Chemistry”. In 1995, she was transferred to the post of senior lecturer of the department.
In 1999, in connection with the reorganization of the university, the courses of pharmaceutical chemistry, toxicological chemistry, pharmacognosy, botany were merged into a new department. Performed the teaching load of the department, taught the academic disciplines in two languages (Russian, Kazakh): pharmaceutical chemistry, general methods of industrial synthesis, chemistry and technology of synthetic medicinal substances. Accordingly, she did methodical work on the 5th course in the specialty – Pharmacy, on the 4th year in specialties 390740 – Chemistry and technology of pharmaceutical production, 050721 – Chemical technology of organic substances. From 2013 on the credit system of training the educational and methodical complexes on the disciplines “General methods of research and analysis of medicines”, “Pharmaceutical chemistry”, “Chemistry and technology of synthetic medicinal substances” and on elective courses “Physico-chemical methods of analysis in pharmacy” , “The main directions and prospects for the creation of drugs”, “Structural study of medicinal substances by methods of physical and chemical analysis”, “Obtaining and research of medicines”, “General methods of excretion Alkaloids from plant raw materials “,” Fundamentals of scientific research “,” Standardization of medicines in the Republic of Kazakhstan “,” Analysis of the general formulation of medicines “and others.
From 2007 to the present he is a member of the Academic Council and the Scientific Committee of the Pharmaceutical Faculty. For 8 years he is the head of research work of students. Since 2013, she has served as Chairman of the Commission on Problems of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacology and Chemistry.
From 2014 to 2017, she held the post of head of the department of magistracy and PhD-doctoral studies of KazNMU. S.D. Asfendiyarov. From September 2017 to the present he is the head of the Department of Chemical-Pharmaceutical Disciplines. Total length of service at the university is 26 years, teaching experience is 23 years.
Area of scientific interests. Since 2009, participated in 2 scientific projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Theoretical Foundations for the Creation of New Compounds of a Heterocyclic Series Based on Beta-Lactams Having an Antibiotic Effect” (2009-2011), “Theoretical Foundations for the Creation of Natural Medicines from Vegetable Domestic Raw Materials and Clinico-Laboratory their justification in the treatment and prevention of dental diseases “(2012-2014), being the responsible implementer of the projects. In 2011 she was the main scientific director of the university grants project “Clinical and laboratory substantiation of herbal medicines for the treatment and prevention of periodontal and oral mucosa diseases” (2011-2012).
Scientific achievements / publications.
A total of about 200 scientific works have been published. Over the past 5 years, 60 scientific papers have been published, including 5 scientific articles in the special issue of the US Special Issue Development of Drugs: Computer Simulation, Chemical Synthesis and Clinical Trials in Clinical Medicine Research, 5 articles on the international databases Scopus, RINC .
The main works
He is the author of 5 teaching aids, 1 practical guide, 2 of them were prepared together with the team of the Siberian State Medical University.
Contact details: telephone – 8 777 245 81 11, e-mail – [email protected], 115 cabinet of the building №2, reception time – 900 – 1800.