The staff of the department:
- Baizoldanov Tolegen Baizoldanovich, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor
- Kozhamzharova Asel Seidahmetovna, Ph.D in chemistry, Associate Professor
- Chekotaeva Klarina Abievna, D in chemistry, Associate Professor
- Ilyasova Maryam Ilyasovna, D in chemistry, Associate Professor
- Nurgalieva Amankiz Nurgalievna, D in chemistry, Associate Professor
- Balpanova Didara Tleulesovna, D in chemistry, Associate Professor
- Abdurakhmanova Lyazzat Abdumanapovna, master, art. teacher
- Shekeeva Kenzhe Kalmahanovna, D in chemistry, Associate Professor
- Aldibekova Gulmira Abdikhalievna, Master, Teacher
- Zhandabaeva Moldir Alibekovna, Master, Teacher
- Roshiyeva Rashida Tashmukhametovna, laboratory assistant
Bayzoldanov TolegenBayzoldanovich was the head of the modulein the period from 2011 to 2013. He is a Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor.
In 2013, the module was attached chemical disciplines: inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical and colloid chemistry.
In 2013-2014 professor Ospanova Feruza Erkebekovna was the head of the module Doctor of Pharmacy and Ph.D in chemistry Balpanova Didar Tleulesovna.
In 2014-2016 docent Kozhamzharova Assel Seydahmetovna was the head of the module Ph.D. in chemistry.
Docent Kozhamzharova A.S. is the author of over 80 scientific works and publications in the central academic journals, collections of scientific works of the CIS and Kazakhstan, non-CIS in the central academic journals World Applied Sciences Journal, IDOSI Publications and 5 educational works. She was awarded with Diploma KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov “For success in work, learning and administrative activity aimed at the development of the University” and the decision of the Presidium of the Regional Academy of Management in 2015 was awarded the Gold Medal. Taylor’s “For merits in the development of management thought.” In 2016 she was awarded with the medal of JSC “Association of Pharmacists’ Support and pharmaceutical education and science” For loyalty to the pharmacist profession. ”