Visit of Associate Professor Valentinova Indra “Visiting- Professor” program’s trip

From 13.05.2024 to 25.05.2024, Associate Professor Valentinova Indra of Bratislava Comenius University (Bratislava, Slovakia) came to the Department of Engineering disciplines and good practices as part of the “Visiting-Professor” of the university.

During the lecture, she helped improve cooperation between two universities: Comenius University in Slovakia and KazNMU named after S. D. Asfendiyarov.

Improving the quality of education

  • Exchange of knowledge between teachers and students
  • Students and teachers can participate in exchange programs allows to gain international experience and expand knowledge and skills
  • Joint lectures, seminars and master classes held by specialists of the two countries contribute to the enrichment of the educational process.

Development of scientific research

  • Joint scientific projects and research
  • Participation in joint research projects helps to develop innovative research in the field of pharmacy and biomedicine
  • Exchange of experience and research methods allow to create new medicines and technologies.

Publications and conferences:

  • Joint publications in international scientific journals increase the reputation of both universities and draw attention to their research.
  • Participation in international scientific conferences and symposia strengthens communication between scientists and researchers.