Methodical work plan

The organization of educational and methodical work at the Department involves the development, updating and approval in accordance with the established procedure of standard and training programs in the discipline for all students at the Department, planning and preparing for the publication of educational and methodological manuals, developing and updating the content of the lecture course, improving guidelines for laboratory and practical classes, forms of knowledge control, organizing and activating independent work of students, improving the pedagogical skills of the teaching staff of the Department.

The academic work of the Department is carried out in accordance with the curriculum of disciplines, the work plan of the Department, individual work plans of teachers


Much attention is paid to the acquisition of practical skills by students during laboratory work with the developed methods of their implementation.
In working with students of the preparatory Department, the main form of training is seminars. To prepare for classes, students are provided with methodological manuals for all program material.
The Department uses a managed system for organizing independent work of students. The effectiveness of teacher-student collaboration depends not only on the teacher’s pedagogical skills, but also on the student’s level of preparation for the lesson.
For independent work, all students are provided with manuals that contain theoretical ideas on all sections of the program.
The use of the appropriate educational and methodological complex for the discipline in combination with various forms of knowledge control makes it possible to provide high-quality training for students.

Educational and methodical work of the Department is conducted in accordance with the state educational programs for each specialty. The Department has all the necessary educational and methodological documentation, prepared and approved syllabuses for all specialties.

Methodical work plan