Educational work

Plan for social and educational work Department of pharmaceutical technology for 2019-2020 academic year

Planned measures Date and venue Responsible

Completion form

(photos, videos, information on the site)

1.Cultural and mass sector
1.1 Public holidays and events
1 Day of knowledge. Meeting with 1st year students.

September 2

Uch. corps №2

Clod.One hundred five

Ustenova G. O

Beyseeva Sh. N

Photos, information on the website
2 Family day. The invitation of the family of Professor R. D. Delimarinov.

7 September

Uch. corps №2

Clod.One hundred five

Ustenova G. O

Beiseeva Sh.


Kizatova M. Zh.

Apsalyamov E. N.

Ibadullayeva G. S.

Zheterova S. K.

Kalelova R. A.

Nogerbek Sh.

Ayupova R. B.

Turgumbaeva A. A.

Photos, information on the website

Presidential address.

Explanation of social programs, familiarization of teachers and senior students with state programs.

September 16

Uch. corps №2

Clod.One hundred five

Ustenova G. O

Beyseeva Sh. N


Kizatova M. Zh.

Apsalyamov E. N.

Ibadullayeva G. S.

Zheterova S. K.

Kalelova R. A.

Nogerbek Sh.

Ayupova R. B.

Turgumbaeva A. A.

Photos, information on the website
4 Duty in the hostel. Conducting educational work. September 21

Beiseeva Sh.

Sagitova Z.

Zheksenbay N.

Erdenbai A.

Zhandabaeva M.A.

Kalimova G.K.

Omarbekova A.

Binazarova A.

Photos, information on the website
5 «Teacher’s day»

6.11. 2019

Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Erdenbai A.

Beiseeva Sh.N

Photos, information on the website


Curatorial hour:

«independence day»


Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Erdenbai A.

Beiseeva Sh.N

Photos, information on the website



Curatorial hour:

“New Year Is 2019»


Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Beiseeva Sh.N Photos, information on the website

Curatorial hour:

“March 8, international

Women’s day»


Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Sarybaev B.

Beiseeva Sh.N

Photos, information on the website
9 6.03.2019 CPN Sarybaev B. Photos, information on the website


Curatorial hour

“March 22 – Nauryz Holiday»


Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Kizatova M.Zh.

Photos, information on the website


Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Beiseeva Sh.N.

Kapsalyamova E.N.

Photos, information on the website

Curatorial hour:

“Nauryz-the beginning of the year”.


Academic Corps №2

Room 105

All curators Photos, information on the website

Curatorial hour:

“”May 1-day of unity of peoples of Kazakhstan»

17.04.19 ЦПН

Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Beiseeva Sh.N.


Photos, information on the website


Curatorial hour:

“May 7-day of defenders of the Fatherland»


Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Beiseeva Sh.N.

Omarbekova A.A.

Binazarova A.

Zheksenbay N.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.Sh

Photos, information on the website

Curatorial hour

“May 9 –Victory Day»


Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Beiseeva Sh.N.

Omarbekova A.A.

Binazarova A.

Zheksenbay N.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.Sh

Photos, information on the website

Curatorial hour:

«capital day»


Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Beiseeva Sh.N.

Omarbekova A.A.

Binazarova A.

Zheksenbay N.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.Sh

Photos, information on the website

Curatorial hour:

“My family is my fortress»

Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Beiseeva Sh.N.




Photos, information on the website
18 ,Curatorial hour: «Thanksgiving day»


Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Beiseeva Sh.N.

Omarbekova A.A.

Binazarova A.

Zheksenbay N.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.Sh

Photos, information on the website


Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Omarbekova A.A.



Photos, information on the website
1.3 Promotion of basic values of KazNMU
20 Visiting the Museum of KazNMU

September 2019

May 2019 KazNMU Museum

Binazarova A.


Photos, information on the website
21 To hold Patriotic events “Big country – big family”, ” we are United by KazNMU»

22.02.19 Academic Corps №2

Room 105








Ibadullaeva G.S.

Beiseeva Sh.N.

Omarbekova A.A.

Binazarova A.

Zheksenbay N.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.Sh

Photos, information on the website
1.4 Visit to Almaty theatre




Theatre. M. Auezov


Ibadullaeva G.S.

Beiseeva Sh.N.

Omarbekova A.A.

Binazarova A.

Zheksenbay N.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.Sh

Photos, information on the website

9.11.19 Almaty, Abay Ave.,103

378-53-85; 378-54-00, 378-54-16

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Beiseeva Sh.N.

Omarbekova A.A.

Binazarova A.

Zheksenbay N.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.Sh

Photos, information on the website
24 Kazakh state academic Opera and ballet theatre named after Abay

4.12.2019 street

Kabanbay Batyr, 110

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Beiseeva Sh.N.

Omarbekova A.A.

Binazarova A.

Zheksenbay N.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.Sh

Photos, information on the website
25 N. Sats state academic Russian theatre for children and youth

20.03.19 Chaliapin street 22, Almaty

8 (727) 303 2582

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Beiseeva Sh.N.

Omarbekova A.A.

Binazarova A.

Zheksenbay N.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.Sh

Photos, information on the website
1.5 Visiting museums in Almaty


Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan

12.04.2019 Mr. Samal-1, house 44



Ibadullaeva G.S.

Beiseeva Sh.N.

Omarbekova A.A.

Binazarova A.

Zheksenbay N.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.Sh

Photos, information on the website
27 Museum of Geology of the Republic of Kazakhstan

17.10.2019 Dostyk Ave.,85

8 (727) 261-52-83, 291-58-83

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Beiseeva Sh.N.

Omarbekova A.A.

Binazarova A.

Zheksenbay N.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.Sh



Photos, information on the website


Museum of musical instruments


Zenkov street 24, corner of Gogol street 291-69-17

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Beiseeva Sh.N.

Omarbekova A.A.

Binazarova A.

Zheksenbay N.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.Sh

Photos, information on the website
29 Military history Museum of the Ministry of defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan

12.01.2019 Zenkov street, 24

291 0619

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Beiseeva Sh.N.

Omarbekova A.A.

Binazarova A.

Zheksenbay N.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.Sh

Photos, information on the website


House-Museum of D. A. Kunaev


Tulebayev street 117(corner of Bogenbay Batyr street). 261 42 69,

272 48 63

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Beiseeva Sh.N.

Omarbekova A.A.

Binazarova A.

Zheksenbay N.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.Sh

Photos, information on the website

2. Civil and legal sector

2.1 Formation of Kazakhstan patriotism: educational process

31 To organize activities for the promotion of “the National idea “Mangilik El”


Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Amirkhanova A.


Binazarova A.


Photos, information on the website

Curatorial hour:

Message Of the President of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan

“Third modernization of Kazakhstan»

25.11.19 Корпус Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Beiseeva Sh.N. Photos, information on the website
2.4 Prevention of crime and the formation of an anti-corruption culture

Curatorial hour:

“Talk about the consequences of corruption»



Beiseeva Sh.N. Photos, information on the website
34 Round table: “there is No corruption»


Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Erdenbai A.


Photos, information on the website
2.5 Развитие волонтерской деятельности
35 Visit to the orphanage ” Zhanuya”


Begalina 27

Erdenbai A.


Photos, information on the website
3. The sports sector

Curatorial hour:

“Social diseases of the society»


Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Beiseeva Sh.N. Photos, information on the website

Curatorial hour:

“Nutrition, health, longevity»

26.04.2019 CPE

Amirkhanova A.

Binazarova A.


Photos, information on the website

Curatorial hour:

“Radiation and health»


Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Jeterova S.K.

Photos, information on the website


Curatorial hour:

“”Physical health-the health of the nation»

3.05. 2019

Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Omarbekova A.A.

Jeterova S.K.

Photos, information on the website


Academic Corps №2

Room 105

Turgumbaeva A.A. Photos, information on the website
Conducting regular educational work

Curatorial hour on the theme:

“Anti-corruption measures»

On monthly basis Beiseeva Sh.N. Photos, information on the website

Curatorial hour on the theme:

“We are for a healthy lifestyle!»

07.04.2020 г.

Kapsalyamova E.N.

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.

Beiseeva Sh.

Erdenbai A.

Zhandabaeva M.A.

Binazarova A.

Sarybaev B.

Photos, information on the website

Curatorial hour on the theme:

“Young people are against Smoking!»

01.03.2020 г.

Kapsalyamova E.N.

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.

Beiseeva Sh.

Erdenbai A.

Zhandabaeva M.A.

Binazarova A.

Sarybaev B..

Photos, information on the website

Curatorial hour on the theme:

Suicide. Identification of the main causes of suicide. Providing psychological assistance to students.

On monthly basis

Kapsalyamova E.N.

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.

Beiseeva Sh.

Erdenbai A.

Zhandabaeva M.A.

Binazarova A.

Sarybaev B.


Curatorial hour on the theme:

“Alcoholism and its consequences»

11.12.2019 г.

Kapsalyamova E.N.

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.

Beiseeva Sh.

Erdenbai A.

Zhandabaeva M.A.

Binazarova A.

Sarybaev B.

Photos, information on the website

Curatorial hour on the theme:

“No drugs!»

01.03.2020 г.

Kapsalyamova E.N.

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.

Beiseeva Sh.

Erdenbai A.

Zhandabaeva M.A.

Binazarova A.

Sarybaev B.

Photos, information on the website

Curatorial hour on the theme:


Early pregnancy.


04.11.2019 г.

04.12.2019 г.

04.02.2020 г.

04.03.2020 г.

04.04.2020 г.

Beiseeva Sh.N. Photos, information on the website

Curatorial hour on the theme:

“Religious literacy.”

15.11.2019 г.

13.12.2019 г.


Kapsalyamova E.N.

Ibadullaeva G.S.

Turgumbaeva A.A.

Amirkhanova A.

Beiseeva Sh.

Erdenbai A.

Zhandabaeva M.A.

Binazarova A.

Sarybaev B.

Photos, information on the website