Educational-methodical work

Specialists pharmacognosts are working hard to teach disciplines with the use of modern innovative technologies for teaching the following courses:

1 course – “Botany”

4 course – “Chemistry and Technology of Natural Medicinal Substances”

5 course – Pharmacognosy

5 year “Resourceology”

In practical exercises, besides carrying out laboratory work to consolidate theoretical and practical knowledge, use various skills in using games, crossword puzzles, business games, brainstorming, case studies, essays, etc., so the students of the specialty “Pharmacy” and “TFP” are interested in master the above disciplines. In practical classes for students, teachers offer to carry out test tasks for fixing. In test tasks, in addition to questions, a picture is proposed, as a result of which they must guess the medicinal plant raw materials or the element of some organ or morphological group. The staff prepared timely syllabuses for the above disciplines, as well as prepared a list of exam questions and tickets. For the next academic year, prepared for the job fair QED in the following disciplines: “Standardization of medicinal plant raw materials”, “Medicinal plants used in folk medicine,” “Phytochemical analysis of medicinal plant material.”